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rezmason is Jeremy Sachs

crispy 1-bit icons of Kid Pix, ResEdit, Graphic Converter, Photoshop, Flash, Haxe, HTML5 and WebGPU

Pixels and I go way back.

As a kid, computer art was my escape, the Macintosh was an underdog, new media looked like the future and vendor lock-in felt like the past. I taught myself ActionScript in '06 as a creative tool, and ever since then I've occupied the zone between art and software engineering, working with one tool or another.

I've been a professional game developer since 2011. Lately I joined the team building the Ethereal Engine.

Someone once said, "If we could change ourselves, the tendencies in the world would also change... We need not wait to see what others do." In the circles I frequent, people work together to bring about a better world in little ways. My focus has been pulling good ideas from the past into the present, sharing new ways of looking at things, and creating art that can last. Check my projects page for some examples.

My current activities should be posted in my now page. Feel free to hang around.